Making Change Game!!


Click on a number below to be given your own problem!!

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16

Roger has 65 cents. If he buys the ball for 44 cents, how much change will he get back?   


Sam has 93 cents. If he buys the alligator toy for 40 cents, how much change will he get back?


Jill has 74 cents. If she buys the bicycle toy for 37 cents, how much change will she get back?


Daisy has 34 cents. If she buys the bear for 9 cents, how much change will she get back?


Ben has 89 cents. If he buys the ball for 80 cents, how much change will he get back?

Carlos has 76 cents. If he buys the sunglasses for 61 cents, how much change will he get back?

Mia has 99 cents. If she buys a toy car for 94 cents, how much change will she get back?


Billy has 52 cents. If he buys the balloons for 15 cents, how much change will he get back?

Brad has 83 cents. If he buys the ball for 48 cents, how much change will he get back?


Kim has $1.34. If she buys the cake for 99 cents, how much change will she get back?


Marla has $5.00. If she buys a cell phone for  $3.76, how much change will she get back?

Hunter has $3.50. If he buys the sundae for $3.13, how much change will he get back?


Darin has $7.39. If he buys the backpack for $6.79, how much change will he get back?

Jaycee has $20.00 . If she buys the jacket for $19.88, how much change will she get back?


Dillon has $4.50. If he buys the flower for $4.30, how much change will he get back?

Steven has $18.58. If he buys the camera for $18.04, how much change will he get back?