Money, Money, Money  
Interactive website to help kindergarten,  1st,  and 2nd graders learn money!

Hello, and welcome to an interactive website all about money. This website is designed to help further a student's understanding of how to count money and make change. Follow the links above to discover ways to learn how to count money/make change and even play some interactive games. It is assumed that a student using this site can already identify coins and paper money. However, I never like to pass up an opportunity for review. Please scroll down to review different coins and bills.                         

Front Back
Penny 1 cent
Nickel 5 cent
Dime 10 cent
Quarter 25 cent
Half   Dollar       50 cent

Bill Worth Front Back
One Dollar Bill $1.00
Five Dollar Bill $5.00
Ten Dollar Bill $10.00
Twenty Dollar Bill $20.00
Fifty Dollar Bill $50.00
One Hundred Dollar Bill $100.00

Website created by Brandi Purser